Illuminate the City 2024

A Night of Impact

At Illuminate the City 2024, we met 5 families who have been deeply impacted by the mission of Della Lamb. Participants and recipients of our Early Education, Refugee Services and Youth Services programs are the reason we do what we do. We’re thankful you’re a part of this impact.

A warm and sincere thank you to everyone who attended Illuminate the City 2024! Your presence and enthusiasm added immeasurable joy to the evening. We wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the unforgettable moments that made the night so special.

The live snowglobe was a magical touch, capturing fun moments and creating memories that made the evening a little more magical. The heads or tails game brought an element of laughter and spirited participation – it was a joy to see everyone getting involved and fighting for a basket of goodies!

Our live auction, featuring incredible trips, added an extra layer of excitement to the event. The competitive spirit and generosity of guests truly shone through, making the night not only entertaining but also a significant contribution to our mission. We’re especially grateful to those who “funded a need” without expecting anything in return, showcasing their compassion and generous spirit.

And let’s not forget the after-party – a perfect way to continue the celebration and connect with new and old friends alike. Your participation, support, and laughter have made a lasting impact on our organization, and we can’t wait to come together again and inspire a kinder Kansas City.

If you’d like to learn about more ways to get involved or other ways to give, please reach out to Kate Kershaw at

Gallery Highlights